Feb 17, 2020
Nick is the Founder of Public Words, Inc, and he’s one of the US top communications and speech coaches. He’s a former fellow at Harvard‘s Kennedy School of Government and has appeared on CNN and published in HBR. He is the author of Power Cues-The Subtle Science of Leading Groups, Persuading Others and Maximizing Your Personal Impact. His most recent book, Can You Hear Me? How to Connect with People in a Virtual World was the basis of our discussion
You can find Nick and his books here https://publicwords.com/
Nick’s book choice was Lord of the Rings https://www.amazon.com/Lord-Rings-J-R-R-Tolkien/dp/0544003411
Nick’s song choice was Mission Impossible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAYhNHhxN0A