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The Elegant Warrior with Heather Hansen

Aug 31, 2020

Today, I am delighted to finally be joined by the author of a book that came into my life at the time that I really needed it. Throughout my life, I have used different yoga and meditation practices to help maintain my mindfulness, and these practices all have one thing in common — a dedicated focus on breathing....

Aug 24, 2020

Today I’m sharing with you everything that I love about the ten-week advocacy course that I have been thinking and planning and preparing for, for years. This course distills down the ten tools of an advocate in a way that you can use to communicate with confidence to both your inner jury and your outer jury. I will...

Aug 17, 2020

What are you doing today to ensure that you will have self-confidence tomorrow? Do you break the promises that you make yourself, or are you constantly telling yourself that you aren’t capable of getting anything right? As a combination of a confidence coach and a communications coach, I want you to learn how to...

Aug 10, 2020

 How do you talk to yourself? Are you as kind and understanding of yourself as you are to everyone else? We know that our thoughts lead to our emotions, but what if you could change your thoughts before they had a chance to impact the way you feel? The conversations you have with your inner jury are the most important...

Aug 3, 2020

 Do you know what you want? Too many women don’t, and even if they do, they’re reluctant to own it. Setting goals is one of the most powerful ways to advocate for yourself and get what you want, but it can be difficult to know where to start. My guest today understands the most effective way for women to get...