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The Elegant Warrior with Heather Hansen

Jun 26, 2023

Society often tells us (especially women) that we must be humble and not speak about our accomplishments, but how can that serve us in getting what we want? Author and speaker Lisa Bragg shares why waiting for someone to notice your work is just not enough in today's noisy world and how to brag the right way.  



Jun 19, 2023

Do you struggle with setting boundaries in your personal and/or professional life? I’ll explain the main obstacle getting in your way and how to overcome it. 


  • Why you first need to persuade yourself that you deserve the boundary you want to set 
  • How you can confidently state your boundaries, and...

Jun 12, 2023

Robyn Moreno, former media maven turned modern curandera, shares her journey to healing, saving her soul, and tapping into her ser. 



  • How she realized she was experiencing susto (soul loss)
  • The 5 cardinal directions in Curanderismo
  • Different ways to build a relationship with your ancestors


Jun 5, 2023

There are 3 reasons you’re not getting what you want, and today Heather will tell you what they are. She’ll also tell you what to do to overcome them.



  • How you can be grateful and still want more
  • What it means to “ask out loud”
  • How to “master the ask”


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