Apr 24, 2024
Tara Stiles is the co-founder of Strala Yoga, a best-selling author, and a well-being expert. Tara revolutionized yoga for millions, transforming a practice so often seen as dogmatic and guru-based into an everyday movement that supports ease and well-being.
Strala Yoga is practiced in more than 100 countries, thousands...
Apr 17, 2024
Do you know the difference between saying “no” and setting a boundary? Saying no is often much harder but also much more powerful. Setting boundaries delays the inevitable, while saying “no” opens the door to many more “yeses.”
In this valuable episode, Heather shares the difference between saying “no”...
Apr 10, 2024
Amy Kemp is the CEO of Amy Kemp, Inc. She uses over 20 years of experience growing her own successful business in sales to guide her work and to connect with leaders and businesses within her growing company. She helps leaders and business professionals understand how deeply habits of thinking affect every part of...
Apr 3, 2024
Do you know how to ask a question that actually gets you the answer you need? If anyone does, it’s Shanin Specter. Shanin is a preeminent American trial lawyer. He is a founding partner of Kline & Specter, one of the leading catastrophic injury firms in the United States. He has obtained more than 200 jury verdicts...