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The Elegant Warrior with Heather Hansen

Mar 29, 2021

You can pre-order my next book, Advocate to Win-10 Tools to Ask for What You Want and Get It, here. Then send my team the receipt at and you’ll get the course with the ten tools for free! 

Twenty years as a defense attorney will make you defensive. It’s part of the job after all. But...

Mar 22, 2021

Alain Hunkins is a keynoter, a facilitator, a coach and a leadership expert. He’s also the author of Cracking the Leadership Code-3 Secrets to Building Strong Leaders. You can find his book and all things Alain here.

Alain’s book choice is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by...

Mar 15, 2021

My clients want to become better advocates for their teams, their ideas, their products or their bank accounts. They come to me to learn how to build credibility, use evidence, ask better questions, hone their body language/tone of voice and argue if necessary. And I give them the tools to become an extraordinary...

Mar 8, 2021

Elizabeth is the co-founder of the Omega Institute and the author of many books including New York Times best seller Broken Open-How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow. She is one of Oprah’s Super Soul 100. Her new book Cassandra Speaks-When Women Are the Story Tellers, the Human Story Changes is an eye opening look at...

Mar 1, 2021

What you see is what you get. That means if you change what you see, you’ll change what you get. In this solo episode I explain how changing your perspective can change your life, and how asking this one question is the perfect start.