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The Elegant Warrior with Heather Hansen

Dec 26, 2022

Many are taking on the practice of choosing a “Word of the Year” so that, instead of setting a lot of different resolutions, you select one single word to be your focus for the new year. I will discuss why choosing a word helps you stay motivated and intentional, and I will walk you through my process for selecting...

Dec 19, 2022

Candace Doby explains how we can develop courage professionally and personally, and why courage looks different on everyone. 


  • Why risk is at the center of courage
  • Three questions we should always ask ourselves
  • How we can activate courage as though it were a muscle
  • How to act courageously without the...

Dec 12, 2022

What do you want to believe? And do you want to change what others believe about you? I will discuss the tools I’ve used in the courtroom and in my life to successfully make believe.


  • Why helping someone believe something goes beyond simply saying it repeatedly
  • The story I told myself, and evidence...

Dec 5, 2022

What is something you really want to change? Do you believe you can do it? In this solo episode, I’ll share my 4-step process for successfully making any change in your life, professionally and personally.


  • How to change by learning to advocate
  • When you need to change your behavior and when you...

Nov 28, 2022

The marginalization of specific groups is no doubt an all-too-common occurrence affecting many people. In this solo episode, I’ll share ways to advocate for yourself, your ideas, and your potential when you’re in a marginalized community.


  • The beliefs that can stop us from advocating for...